© Vera Schelkina. All rights reserved. Made by whalenessis.
Vibrant matter
Dance performance

Cover image: Anna Kharina

Vera Shchelkina, Katya Kalyuzhnaya, Artem Markov, Anastasia Golovanova, Lovozero
Vera Shchelkina, Katya Kalyuzhnaya, Artem Markov
Artists behind the stage
Anastasia Golovanova, Lovozero
Research, production, and support
Sdvig Studio
Three somatic practitioners, a light artist, and a sound artist interact (with) pulsating matter – each in its own field – intertwining and meeting in four-dimensional space.
Creating various reasons for spontaneous movement, the artists explore ways of interacting with the "living" and "inanimate", creating a dance of permeability and impenetrability of bodies, structures, connections, visible and invisible matter.

When we say that matter is "vibrant", we mean that there is an immanent vitality in matter, capable of independently generating new effects; that matter is not something "dead" and "passive", but rather "alive" and "active".

Can we come to the matter of the body, which is not subject to any discourses: neither political, nor environmental, nor gender?

To matter, which will allow the body, that is, itself, to exist as one with all the matter of the existing world — without subjugating, without dominating, without creating a hierarchy, without objectifying?
Vibrant matter
Residency journal

Photos by Anna Kharina

Video of residency journal by Kamil Mustafaev
